Webinars have moved:

To receive the link to the webinar before the beginning, please fill out the google form. Also, at the beginning of the webinar, the link is posted at the channel. There are a few tasks on the webinar topic posted at this page after the webinar ("Tasks" link). Solutions of these tasks are posted in a few days after the webinar ("Solutions" link).
In our webinars we learn to solve theoretical and practical astronomy problems.
Usually our webinars take place every Friday.

To receive webinar links before the beginning please fill this form. Also the links are published in the channel when the webinars start.

Sometimes a short quiz is published after the webinar.

After all webinars a list of tasks is proposed for students to solve. Three days after, answers are published together with task sources. We highly recommend to solve these problems to check your knowledge and learn to apply it in olympiad-like tasks.
2022/23 academic year
Mathematics in Astronomy
Asymptotic formulas
Differentiation, integration
Fundamentals of probability theory
Statistical data analysis 1
May 19
Метод розмірностей
May 12
Basics of Special and General Relativity
Universe structure and evolution
Basics of Special Relativity
Post-Newtonian confirmations of General Relativity
Gravitational waves,
Shapiro delay
Gravitational lensing, pulsars in close binaries
2021/22 academic year
Practical astronomy
Astronomical objects
Multiwavelength astronomy
Celestial navigation
Astronomical instruments
Galactical and extragalactical astronomy
Star research methods
Galaxies. The Milky Way
The interstellar medium
Astrophysics: stars and star systems
Spectral classification. Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
Stellar evolution. Nonstationary stars
Double and multiple stars
The video shown during the lecture can be found at this website
Roche lobe, stellar models, Eddington limit, accretion
2020/21 academic year
The Solar System
Planet configurations, Sun disc transits, occultations
Stellar magnitudes. Albedo. Phase
The Earth-Moon System
Planetary spectrums and magnetic fields
Elements of the Solar System
Celestial coordinates and time
Celestial spherical coordinate systems vol. 1 (horizontal and equatorial)
Spherical trigonometry

Spherical coordinate systems 2
(ecliptical and galactical)
Coordinate perturbation 1 (proper motion of stars, precession, nutation, parallax)
Coordinate perturbation 2 (abberation, refraction)
IT and programming in astronomy
Astronomical simulations
Python in astronomy
Astronomical image processing
April 5th
Celestial mechanics
Second order curves, conservation laws
Hill sphere, Lagrange points, virial theorem
Gravity turn, tides, Roche limit
Retrograde motion of planets
Motion of artificial satellites on the celestial sphere
2019/20 academic year
Training for IV the stage of the National astronomy olympiad
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May heaven send us a path with the moon and stars!